Mask and Face Shield
August 6, 2020

Health Update August: COVID 19 Restriction Stage 4 in Metro Melbourne

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Under Victoria’s Stage 4 restrictions, we are pleased to advise that we are permitted to provide urgent and essential eye care services for our patients and local community.

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  • Care that is necessary to prevent deterioration of an established condition
  • Care for conditions that are likely to pose a risk to your eye health or impact your ability to function day to day including for work, driving etc.
  • Replacement of spectacles due to breakage or loss.

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  • Please contact our friendly team who will be happy to advise whether a face to face or telehealth appointment is appropriate for you under stage 4 restrictions.
  • You will not require a medical referral for eyecare, and you are able to travel more than 5km for a clinical appointment if deemed necessary. We recommend you have your appointment confirmation available as a point of reference if you are asked.

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In addition to a COVID-Safe Plan, we continue to maintain stringent infection control procedures and preventative measures so you can access expert eyecare in a safe, controlled environment.

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Call our practice to arrange contact-less delivery of contact lenses to your home.

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If you have a routine eye care appointment that is considered non-urgent and can be safely delayed, we will be in contact with you in the coming days to organise a new appointment time after Stage 4 restrictions are expected to end.

We look forward to continuing to provide you with an expert service you can trust during this time and thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions at all about your vision, eye health or our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 9888 6377.

Our Operating Hours (Stage 4):

Monday to Friday: 9am to 3pm

Saturday: 9am to 1pm

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