1. Have a routine eye examination every 2 years, or more often if recommended by your optometrist, to detect any early signs of eye disease

2. Protect your eyes from harmful UV exposure, which can cause Cataracts, Macula Disease and Lid Tumours, by wearing Sunglasses

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet including green leafy vegetables and oily fish such as Salmon to prevent Macula Disease

4. Cease smoking – it is a major factor in many eye diseases such as macula disease and cataracts

5. Prevent serious eye injuries by wearing a seatbelt when driving and wearing goggles when playing sport
Are you due for your routine eye examination? At present we are unable to see you for routine care but can happily book you in to see us in the coming months when restrictions ease. Call us on 9888 6377.
Have a more pressing eye concern or urgent issue? Give us a call sooner.